25 November 2021 | 16:30 GMT | Online
illuminate 2021 Webinar
As part of the Aga Khan Foundation’s illuminate programme that offers aspiring students insights into transformational ideas that are shaping our world today, photographer Christopher Wilton-Steer, who also serves as Head of Communications for the Aga Khan Foundation UK, will share experiences from his overland journey from London to Beijing in 2019 that crossed 16 countries and covered over 40,000kms.
Christopher will highlight the diversity of people, places and cultures from across Eurasia, while also revealing some of the connections between what appear at first glance to be very different cultures.
The talk will also explore some of the social and economic challenges communities along the Silk Road face, such as food insecurity, and impacts of climate change and conflict, and ways in which the Foundation and local communities are working together to improve the quality of life, especially for the most marginalised among these communities. The talk aims to challenge the students’ perceptions of less well known and understood parts of the world and ultimately help to build bridges of interest and understanding of distant cultures.