Evaluating Outcomes in Fragile Contexts
Evaluating Outcomes in Fragile Contexts
Improving Research and Impact Assessment Approaches
27 September 2019 | Aga Khan Centre
This one-day roundtable, which took place on 27 September 2019 at the Aga Khan Centre, was organised by AKF in partnership with Chatham House and KfW Development Bank, with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office.
It followed on from a one-day policy conference and high-level panel event on stabilisation held in Berlin in January 2019, and drew on the learnings from a recently completed longitudinal assessment of the Stabilisation Programme Northern Afghanistan (SPNA) conducted by Analysis Research Consulting (ARC).
The roundtable consisted of three panel discussions, each followed by an open discussion session. It brought together a diverse group of experts and practitioners from government, international organisations, foundations, the private sector, NGOs and research institutions.